2016-2021 Profile of Puerto Ricans in Connecticut

Hurricanes Maria and Irma (2017) and the COVID-19 (2019-2020) pandemic shaped the shaped the profiles of Puerto Ricans in Connecticut. These reports provide summary data on some aspects of the Puerto Rican population in Connecticut between 2016 and 2021 to better that can help contextualize the overall profile of the Puerto Rican experience in the state of Connecticut.

National Context

Puerto Rican Population Change in the United States, 2016-2021

Central to the discussion of the location/residence of Puerto Ricans in the United States are impacts on the displacement/migration of islands-based Puerto Ricans caused by push  factors such as the economic conditions of Puerto Rico, climate events like hurricanes Irma/Maria and Fiona, earthquakes, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The mobility of Puerto Ricans is also contingent on pull factors such as the presence of kin/family and friends outside of Puerto Rico as well as friendly labor conditions in various states. ​

For a copy of our report please click here:
Puerto Rican Population In the United States, 2016-2021

State Context

Social Profile of Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2016-2021 (Forthcoming)


Economic Profile of Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2016-2021 (Forthcoming)


Educational Profile of Puerto Ricans in Connecticut, 2016-2021 (Forthcoming)
